
Fertility Enhancement

Nourishment and Fulfillment

While for many women the path to pregnancy is relatively uncomplicated, it is equally true that for a large number of women things are more complex. For some, the journey offers detours, challenges, and even tribulation. Some experience delays, contradictory diagnoses, small victories followed by worrying setbacks, and a good deal of stress, emotional turmoil, and multi-faceted levels of frustration. For those who are handed a diagnosis of “infertility,” the heartbreak and questioning can be devastating. The implementation of a holistic Chinese Medicine approach on your fertility journey is designed specifically to balance your hormones, regulate the menstrual cycle, reduce stress, and calm the heart so as to reawaken the body back to its natural homeostasis, thereby, essentially, setting the stage and assisting along the way. 

In addition to Acupuncture, Moxibustion, and herbal therapies, I will support you with the tools of breath work, meditations, and self-massage to nourish yourself, thereby allowing you to tap into your own deepest energy source, strength, and wisdom. Also, in working with you to create a personalized and healthy dietary approach will help empower you to feel strong in your body and confident in your body’s innate healing abilities, ultimately bolstering you in your pregnancy journey.

I honor and respect your story, history and choices as you travel on this path. My role is to support you wherever you are, along your fertile journey. 

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine have been used in the support of fertility for thousands of years. They have been shown to improve fertility rates and support a woman’s mind, heart, and body so that she might maximize her potential for health, healing, and, ultimately, childbearing.

The benefits of Chinese Medicine to support and enhance fertility have been well-documented and include:

  • Strengthens the overall immune system

  • Regulates the hormonal and endocrine system, harmonizes the menstrual cycle and ensures that ovulation is more predictable and optimal

  • Improves the function of the ovaries to improve the quality of the follicles

  • Increases the blood-flow to the uterus and increases the thickness of the uterine lining to make it more hospitable for implantation

  • Helps prevent the uterus from contracting

  • Relaxes the entire body and helps reduce stress and anxiety, thereby creating a more pregnancy friendly environment

  • Decreases the chance of miscarriage

  • Increases the chance of pregnancy for women undergoing in-vitro fertilization (IVF)

  • Reduces the side-effects of drugs used in Western fertility treatments

  • Reduces complications experienced during pregnancy 

  • Improves sperm count, morphology and motility

Chinese Medicine can be a therapy on its own to support fertility or as an adjunct to Western fertility treatments. Using the best of both approaches, it is possible to increase the success rate in working towards a successful pregnancy and delivery. At its root, Chinese Medicine is about helping each person tap into their own energy source, strength, wisdom, and power in an effort to bring balance and harmony between the mind, body, and spirit.